Time Limits, Scoring & Awards
Updated October 2022
Time Limit Guidelines
Solo & Duet/Trio- 3 minute limit
Groups 3.5 minute limit
Lines- 4 minute limit
Extended Line- 4- 7 minute limit
Productions- 4- 10 minute limit
- The above times include entrances and exits.
- All props and backdrops are to be free standing and speedy in set up by studio officials. To assist in scheduling, please contact us, or indicate on the registration notes the length of time needed for the set up and take down of props and sets.
- All entries will be judged by a panel of 3 adjudicators and will be given a score out of 100 points
- The three scores are averaged to produce the final score
- All entries will be scored and awarded as to the appropriate and/ or expected skill of their age level
- Any and all ties will be broken using the judge with the highest score.
Award details coming soon!
- Any monetary and/ or FEVER Bucks awards will be given to the studio director, or to a teacher/ studio representative following the competition by cheque. It is at the studio director’s discretion how monetary and/ or FEVER Bucks prizes are distributed within the studio in accordance to studio policies.
- FEVER Producers have the right to adjust monetary prize winnings based on the size of the competition.
All decisions made by the adjudicators or FEVER producers are final.